Use case: Defining the go-to-market strategy, creating a content creation framework and creating the first assets for a web site as proof of concept Scenario: Create a sports betting web site Objective: Create the homepage of a sports betting web site for a specific market. Steps Go-to-market * Find out what the most popular spectator sport is in top-tier markets. * Find out in which top-tier markets* sports betting is allowed. Output: Create an easily consumable list or table of your target markets. *See list at the end of this document. Content framework Create a short style guide for your marketing texts for the targeted markets. Here is a style guide for inspiration: Due to the character of the site it is suggested to use a friendly and informal style. Since you are creating a sports-betting page, having sports metaphors and similes should be part of the style guide, and it should be specified that images from the most popular sport in the country should be used on the website. Adapt the style guide as necessary for the market you want to target. Output: Style guide for one local market's web site. Content creation Create the following assets: * Hero image: description, so the right stock photo can be found * CTA: Text * Secondary CTA: Text * Intro text: About 5 sentences introducing the site. Output: List of the assets mentioned Suggested top-tier markets for this exercise: * Australia * Brazil * Canada * China * France * Germany * India * Korea * Japan * Mexico * United Kingdom * United States