1. All statements and numbers should be referenced. 2. If the article promotes a specific medicine, the article must include the product's name, as well as information about its uses, risks, and benefits. 3. The article must not contain any inducements or incentives that could be seen as promoting the prescription or use of a particular medicine. 4. The article must be accurate, balanced, and not misleading. 5. The article must not include any statements or claims that are likely to encourage inappropriate prescribing or use of medicines. 6. The article’s tone should be respectful and professional, and the article must not use language or images that could be perceived as disrespectful or offensive. 7. The article should be up-to-date and reflect current evidence-based medicine. 8. The article must be clearly identifiable as originating from a pharmaceutical company and must not be presented in a way that suggests it is independent or unbiased. 9. The article should be appropriate to the recipient's role, expertise, and level of responsibility.