Context - text for a leaflet the player finds in the environment: "NOTICE OF MANDATORY EVACUATION

Toxic vapors have leaked from the former SIŁA Factory. This area is NOT safe!

In accordance with Ministry of Health legislation (Act on Mass Event Safety [2023]), you are required to leave the Nadbór region immediately.

* Open shelters are located at Radunin and Topolin.
* Listen to a battery-powered radio and follow local evacuation instructions.
* Collect Emergency Supply Kits from military personnel.
* Take your pets, but only service animals are permitted in public shelters.
* Follow the recommended evacuation routes. Do not take shortcuts. Alternative routes may be blocked.

Do not remain in the affected area. Doing so endangers your life and the lives of first responders." What we need: A dialogue between a NPC civilian and a NPC soldier. The soldier is explaining why the NPC has to leave. We want to use info in the leaflet. The civilian is stubborn and does not want to leave, but the soldier is adamant and politely but firmly persuades the civilian to leave. The civilian should sound pissed off, but the soldier should remain calm, but firm, also urgent. The dialogue should have at least 10 lines. We need a nice, natural sounding dialogue, please, and as realistic as possible. Requirements of the final dialogue in points: - Dialogue between two characters - Uses the context line (leaflet text) - Stubborn, pissed off civilian - Adamant, firm, polite soldier - At least 10 lines