NGO: Machine Translation for Climate Change Documentation


Enhance the dissemination of information to its members in UN languages: French, Spanish, Chinese, Russian, and Arabic.


The Geneva-based international non-profit organization focusing on climate change


The Geneva-based international non-profit organization focusing on climate change sought to enhance the dissemination of information to its members in UN languages: French, Spanish, Chinese, Russian, and Arabic. The organization’s language services division was often overwhelmed with translating 100-150 documents into five languages within 1-2 weeks during climate conferences and global events.


Custom.MT utilized the organization’s archive of bilingual texts to train and test 30 prospective MT engines. After rigorous linguistic and technical evaluation, the team chose two engines for each target language, one primary and one as a backup.
These engines were integrated into a portal, enabling the translation of Word, Excel, and PowerPoint documents. The language services staff used this portal to obtain machine translations of essential documents, which were flagged as algorithmically translated before distribution.


The implementation of the MT portal significantly improved information accessibility for members, with all primary documents undergoing comprehensive expert review. This upgrade tripled the translation capacity of the language services division, without substantial changes in staffing or budget.

Quality improved
Translation capacity 3X
Budget saved

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