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Past Events

Benchmark Gemini vs GPT-4 for Localization

We compared live how the leading models perform with translation, terminology extraction, machine translation quality estimation, localization testing, and other tasks. Check out the results and comments from testers Stefan Huyghe, Konstantin Dranch, Martin Chrástek and Jourik Ciesielski.

Introduction to GenAI in L10n

Learning workshop ahead of TAUS Annual Conference. This event featured TransPerfect's VP of Technology Julien Didier, CEO at Intento Konstantin Savenkov, Microsoft's Principal Research Manager Christian Federmann etc. Participants discovered how to harness the potential of generative AI.

ChatGPT in Localization - Part II

This event featured 15 speakers, including keynotes from Jaap Van Der Meer, Florian Faes, and Anna Schlegel. Discussions revolved around GPT pilots presented by Canva, Flo Health, and Microsoft, the emerging model landscape, and an innovation showcase.

ChatGPT in Localization - Part I

This event featured 11 speakers, including keynote Marco Trombetti, the entrepreneur and Investor, Olga Beregovaya, Jochen Hummel, etc. Discussions revolved around Singularity, AI and MT, future of using ChatGPT in Language Services, Leadership and Governance in LLM

Past Webinars